What factors affect the quality of traffic in different geographical regions

Each broker strives to attract high-quality traffic - an audience with high solvency potential, interested in investing. However, receiving such traffic becomes problematic due to the high costs for arbitrageurs. For example, in Switzerland, the culture of investing is widespread, which makes every resident a potential client for a broker. However, the cost of attracting such a client varies from $60 to $300, and the action rates (CPL) are approximately $100-120. This means that it is profitable to attract customers only when the lead cost is about $ 6-70, which, in turn, often leads to a decrease in the quality of traffic.

What should I do in such a situation? Perhaps you should provide high quality in preparation for paying a lead of $200-300. However, this can only be beneficial if it is guaranteed that the rate per action (CPA) will provide at least twice the income (EPL). Otherwise, even using the pay-per-action model, it is necessary to strive for the average quality of the lead and the corresponding average cost.

Targeting Settings

First of all, it is important to exclude from targeting those who do not have sufficient financial resources, for example, students. Even in Europe, where students often live at a minimum, the likelihood that they will be able to make a minimum deposit and continue to invest is significantly low. Brokers need to understand that such clients will most likely not contribute large amounts and, therefore, will not recoup the cost of attracting. For example, a European student may be able to deposit between $250 and $500, but a broker may need a minimum of $800 or even more than $1,000 to attract such a client.

A simple solution to this problem is to include the age group of 25 years and older in the targeting. Those who are interested in microfinance organizations should also be excluded from targeting, as they are prone to short-term borrowing and do not have stable financial resources. Excluding the audience interested in the Forex market from targeting will also prevent the attraction of already registered users and avoid duplication.


To attract a high-quality audience, it is critically important to include information about the minimum deposit in advertising materials at the creative level. This step may increase the value of the lead, but it will automatically eliminate the audience that does not have sufficient financial resources or is not interested in investing.

Using creatives with statements like "Giving a million without investment" will attract the attention of freeloaders, who most likely will not be ready to make a deposit and invest. Such clients will not only not recoup the cost of attracting, but can also damage the reputation of the broker. The question of whether it is worth risking your reputation and relationships with good brokers for the sake of instant profit remains rhetorical.

You can also use images of well-known authoritative personalities in creatives, which inspires confidence in the audience and can increase the willingness to invest money. Such an approach can also encourage potential customers to find funds for a deposit and increase the likelihood of registration and investment.


Pre-land are an important element in attracting high-quality traffic, especially in international markets. Powerful pre-land can significantly improve the quality of traffic, but in some countries the problem lies in low salaries, which makes even a very warmed-up audience unable to make a minimum deposit. Even if the user agrees to register, the probability of his further investments is low, and the broker may not be in a hurry to close such transactions. It is important to remember that if the broker had closed everyone, the CPA conversion rate would have been significantly higher.

Depending on the country, it is recommended to add the registration form directly to the landing page, while maintaining the landing page. This may reduce the quality of traffic slightly, but keep the cost of the lead at an adequate level.

In Western markets, the lack of a pre-land often leads to the rejection of traffic. In such cases, the audience may already have a negative investment experience and requires a more thorough warm-up.

An effective method can be to create a success story, for example, about an Uber taxi driver who became successful thanks to investments. It might be worth spending $300-400 on a video with his success story, which can be a powerful tool to attract an audience related to the taxi industry.

Such complex strategies are best used when there are large resources, a strong media budget and the ability to test several narrow funnels, adjusting traffic to a specific broker. Those who generate about 20 leads per day are advised to focus on the general audience so that the tests pay off.

Landing page

It is extremely important to have a video with a duration of at least 5 minutes on the landing page, which tells in detail about the company and its principles of earnings. A $20 landing page with simple text and poor optimization on different devices is the worst option that can seriously undermine the company's credibility. Reviews on the landing page are also required. It is important not to skimp on them, order both video reviews and photos of the authors with papers confirming their investments in the platform.

Another important element is the connection of the autologin. Integration via the API is required so that the user can access his personal account immediately after registration. It also helps to speed up the deposit process, which allows you to initiate an interdep. Without autologin, many brokers can mark traffic as fraud.

Integration via the API can be a complicated process, but it is important to figure it out yourself or seek help from specialists.


The arbitrageur has many opportunities to control the quality of traffic at every stage — from targeting to landing. The ideal approach is to maintain the quality of the audience at an average level. This will avoid problems with the broker, while ensuring the return on traffic according to both the CPL and CPA models.

At the targeting stage, you should choose an audience of average income and interested in investing, excluding those who do not have sufficient financial resources or are interested in microfinance.

Creatives should be balanced and informative, avoiding overly attractive offers that may attract freeloaders.

Pre-lands should be created taking into account the needs of the target audience, providing detailed information about the company and its principles, as well as reviews and successful cases.

Landing pages should be professionally designed, with videos and reviews, as well as provide convenient access to your personal account via autologin.

Maintaining an average level of audience quality at each stage will help the arbitrageur avoid problems with the broker and ensure the return on traffic for both CPL and CPA.