The hook: Luck or Strategy? How to increase the chances of success

Launching an advertisement on Facebook involves showing it to various segments of the audience. As a result, ads can reach both target users and be shown to the wrong audience for a long time. Moreover, successful and unsuccessful advertising campaigns can simultaneously work within the same account.

Advertising campaigns and adsets on Facebook target a certain segment of the audience, but the creative is shown only to a part of the users from this segment. If an ad attracts users who buy well and make a profit, it means that a hook has occurred. In this case, Facebook starts showing ads to similar users more often, and they also start bringing leads.

The hook: Luck or strategy?

It is believed that a hook is more like luck, and it is very difficult to achieve it purposefully. This is true in the first moments of launching campaigns, as algorithms are just beginning to collect data and optimize impressions. However, at a distance, campaigns sooner or later successfully cling to the target audience, especially if they are properly configured and optimized.

The impact of the account trust

In one of our posts, we said that the account trust affects the probability of a hook. A high level of trust in the account from Facebook can contribute to better impressions and faster optimization of campaigns. Therefore, for long-term work, it is important to try to increase the account trust.

Ways to increase the probability of a hook

Fewer campaigns — more ads and creatives

There are often advertising launch strategies such as 1-1-1, 1-2-1, 1-2-2, etc., where there is one creative, one adset and one campaign. With this approach, each user sees only 1-2 ads within the adset, which limits the variety of approaches presented. However, the more creatives you use, the more different approaches the audience will see, which increases the likelihood of a successful hook.

Risks and caution

It is important to note that with the increase in the number of adsets and creatives, you need to be careful. Recently, there have been reports that Facebook may exceed the established cost limits, which leads to budget overruns. Therefore, it is recommended:

  • Carefully monitor your budget: Regularly check expenses so that they do not exceed the established limits.
  • Use automation: Set up automatic rules to control the costs and effectiveness of campaigns.
  • Analyze data: Conduct regular analysis of the effectiveness of creatives and adsets in order to make the necessary adjustments in a timely manner.

Thus, the strategy "fewer campaigns, more ads and creatives" can be effective if you manage your budget correctly and analyze the results.

Changing the Fan Page (FP)

An advertising account may gain trust over time, but the situation is different with a Fan Page (FP) — they may lose trust over time. Therefore, if your campaigns do not catch a hook well, it is advisable to create and warm up a new OP or purchase a ready-made one.

The main steps for warming up the AF:

  • Content creation: Regularly publish high-quality content that will be interesting to your target audience.
  • Interact with the audience: Respond to comments and messages, conduct surveys and contests to increase engagement.
  • Post Promotion: Use organic and paid post promotion methods to increase reach and engagement. Facebook will start offering you to promote posts, which is a good indicator of warming up.

Purchase of ready-made FP

The heating of the AF can be avoided if you buy a ready-made page in specialized stores. This can save time and effort, but it is important to choose reliable sellers so as not to run into quality or safety issues.

Changing the Fan Page is not an absolute way to improve campaign performance. Some of our customers reported that changing the OP did not help them catch a lead. In such cases, it is recommended to identify possible causes of failures and adjust the strategy, try different types of content and ad formats.

Thus, changing the Fan Page may be a useful strategy, but it does not guarantee success. It is important to take a comprehensive approach to optimizing advertising campaigns, taking into account all possible factors.

Duplication of campaigns

Some advertisers note that they managed to catch a lead thanks to the simple duplication of the campaign or adset. This method allows a campaign or adset to reach another segment of the audience, and sometimes such a hit turns out to be successful.

How does duplication work?

By duplicating a campaign or adset, you create an exact copy of them with the same settings, but Facebook treats it as a new ad. Since Facebook's algorithms show ads to different users, duplication can lead to a copy of the campaign or adset being shown to a different group of users than the original.

The advantages of this method are getting to another segment of the audience, which can lead to greater reach and new leads, and one of the copies may be more successful than the original.

But it is important to remember that this method does not guarantee success and does not always bring results. Duplicating campaigns can lead to budget overruns, especially if both copies do not show good results.

Although duplicating campaigns can sometimes work, you shouldn't rely too much on this method. It does not bring luck very often, and it is better to consider it as an additional tool rather than the main strategy.

Unique self-written landing pages

Unique landing pages tend to better match the specifics of the offer and the audience, which leads to a higher conversion rate. They allow you to stand out among the many standard landing pages, which attracts more attention and trust from users. Self-written landing pages make it possible to better control and optimize content, structure, and user experience.

It is believed that Facebook through a pixel can detect signs on the landing page that are not trustworthy. In this case, the platform's algorithms may not try to find a converting audience for such an ad. Using unique landing pages can help to avoid such problems.

If possible, develop unique landing pages adapted to your offer and target audience. Conduct A/B testing to determine which landing pages show the best conversion. Make sure that your landing page loads quickly, is easy to use and provides all the necessary information.

Using unique self-written landing pages can significantly increase the chances of a successful hook and improve the overall conversion of advertising campaigns. Although standard landing pages can bring results, unique solutions often turn out to be more effective.


To summarize, several key factors influence the successful engagement of advertising campaigns: account trust, campaign launch strategy, adsets and creatives, the use of Fan Pages, unique landing pages and duplication of campaigns and adsets. A high level of account trust almost guarantees success, and the right strategy for setting up and testing combinations of campaigns, adsets and creatives can significantly increase their effectiveness. Warming up and using various Fan Pages, as well as unique self-written landing pages, often show the best conversion and contribute to a successful hook. Duplicating campaigns and adsets can help reach different audience segments and increase their effectiveness. Therefore, even if you have problems with the hook, do not be disappointed in the account. Keep working on increasing your trust, experiment with different strategies, and apply the above techniques to improve the performance of your advertising campaigns.