Easy optimization and scaling of advertising campaigns with PWA

Webmasters use optimization to reduce the cost of a lead, increase traffic and increase the payback of advertising campaigns. Properly changing the advertising parameters allows you to scale advertising bundles and increase the final profit. However, each type of application has its own characteristics in optimization and scaling. Working with Webview is becoming increasingly difficult due to frequent bans and low efficiency, which greatly tires webmasters.

For this reason, experienced arbitrageurs increasingly prefer PWA (progressive web applications), which are much more convenient to work with.

Why is it easier to optimize PWA?

Optimization of PWA (Progressive Web applications) is much easier compared to Webview applications for several key reasons.

If a buyer launches an advertising campaign for apps via Facebook, they usually choose one of two goals: "App Installation" or "Conversions".

  • Installing the application

The purpose of "Installing the application" is suitable mainly for Webview applications. In this case, the webmaster uploads the application to an app store such as PlayMarket or AppStore and waits for moderation. It may take several days. After the application is approved, it becomes available for advertising. However, the process does not end there. Facebook usually takes longer to find the right audience for such campaigns, which increases the cost of traffic. As a result, webmasters lose a lot of time and face an increased risk of campaign failure (non-engagement).

  • Conversions

The goal of the "Conversion" is chosen when it is necessary to direct users to a specific link. This goal is more popular among buyers, since the average moderation time is no more than an hour. The webmaster can upload the PWA to the landing page in a few minutes and immediately start purchasing traffic. Facebook also allows you to install a Pixel on every landing page with the app. Pixel helps to collect data about page visitors, which speeds up the process of finding the most suitable audience and reduces the cost of attracting it.

Before launching an advertising campaign, it is important to "pump up" the pixel. This is done by directing traffic from one region, which allows Facebook to find interested users faster and increase the reg2dep metric (registration before deposit). The PWA service.Group simplifies pixel installation, which saves webmasters time.

Advantages of scaling campaigns on PWA

To maximize the effectiveness of an advertising campaign, it is important to take into account two key factors: rare blockages and significant advertising costs (spendings). In this context, Progressive Web Applications (PWA) demonstrate significant advantages over traditional Webview applications.

Facebook does not allow open advertising of igaming, which creates serious obstacles to the use of Webview applications. The platform quickly identifies and blocks such applications, which significantly complicates the work of webmasters. Moreover, app stores such as PlayMarket and AppStore regularly carry out mass purges, removing applications that violate their rules. This leads to the fact that the average lifetime of Webview applications is only 3-4 days. In such conditions, scaling and optimization of advertising campaigns become almost impossible. Webmasters are forced to constantly download new applications, undergo repeated moderation and set up advertising campaigns again, which requires significant time and financial costs.

Unlike Webview applications, PWA are installed on the domain to which the landing page is linked. This provides a number of significant advantages:

Block resistance: PWA integrates with websites, and among the many advertising campaigns aimed at web resources, it becomes much more difficult to detect igaming-themed sites. This significantly increases the life span of a PWA to several weeks, and sometimes longer. Even if Facebook blocks the app, the webmaster can quickly transfer it to a new domain and continue the advertising campaign without significant delays. This ensures the continuity of advertising campaigns and minimizes losses.

Flexibility and adaptability: Transferring PWA to a new domain takes only a few minutes. This allows webmasters to respond quickly to blockages and continue advertising campaigns almost non-stop. This flexibility is a key factor that allows arbitrageurs to successfully scale their advertising efforts and maintain a high level of efficiency.

Reducing the risk of blockages: Thanks to integration with websites, PWA are less susceptible to mass purges from app stores. This further reduces the risk of blocking and ensures a more stable operation of advertising campaigns.

Efficient use of the budget: The long life of the PWA allows you to use the advertising budget more effectively. Webmasters can spend more time optimizing and scaling successful campaigns, rather than constantly creating new applications and re-moderation.

PWA is a more reliable and flexible solution for arbitrators who strive for maximum efficiency and profitability of their advertising campaigns. Lock resistance, flexibility in domain management, and a longer lifetime of advertising campaigns make PWA the preferred choice for experienced arbitrageurs. Thanks to these advantages, they can focus on optimizing and scaling campaigns, ensuring a high level of profit and the success of their advertising activities.

How to optimize PWA

In order to maximize profits and avoid unnecessary budget expenses when working with progressive web applications (PWA), it is important to follow two basic rules:

Pixel pumping: First of all, you need to "pump" the Facebook pixel by directing traffic from one geographical region (GEO) to it. This helps Facebook to gather a relevant audience faster, which significantly increases the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

Focus on deposit campaigns: You need to focus on those advertising campaigns that lead to deposits. Spending a budget on an audience that does not bring deposits does not make sense and can lead to large losses.

The optimization process by example

Let's look at an example that illustrates the general process of optimizing PWA for igaming advertising on Facebook. Let's imagine that a webmaster launches an advertising campaign for an igaming application using PWA. Here are the steps he is taking:

Pixel pumping: The webmaster starts by "pumping" the pixel, directing traffic from one specific GEO. This allows Facebook to quickly collect data on the relevant audience that is most likely to be interested in the offer.

Setting the budget and launching adsets: The webmaster sets the budget of an advertising campaign in the amount of $200 and launches two different sets of ads (adsets). He closely monitors the conversion rates of each adset.

Analysis of the first results: The first adset leads to 40 installations at a cost of $5 per installation, but does not bring a single deposit. The second adset gives 20 installations at a cost of $10 per installation, but brings a few first deposits (FTD).

Optimization and re-launch: The webmaster decides to re-launch the second adset, as it shows better results in terms of receiving deposits. He closely monitors changes in the cost of installation and the number of deposits. If the installation cost starts to decrease and the number of FTDs increases, the webmaster increases the budget (spend) and sets up other advertising campaigns on a similar principle.

Following this strategy, the webmaster can make the most effective use of his budget and get the maximum profit. Pumping a pixel allows you to find a relevant audience faster, and focusing on campaigns with deposits ensures that funds will be spent on users who bring real profits. Constant analysis and optimization of advertising campaigns help the webmaster to respond quickly to changes and set up new campaigns to achieve the best results.