CTR in Google Ads: How to Increase the Effectiveness of Advertising

The effectiveness of advertising campaigns in Google Ads strongly depends on how clickable the ads are (CTR). However, even experienced media buyers are not always sure how to increase this figure when working with a new offer.

Features of CTR in Google Ads

Before discussing methods of increasing CTR, let's briefly highlight the importance of this metric in Google Ads. In contextual and search advertising, CTR is of particular importance, as it directly affects the evaluation of the quality of keywords by the platform's algorithms. The higher the quality of an ad, according to Google, the higher its ranking among competitors for the same cost per click. This helps to increase conversion, increase revenue from the advertising campaign and reduce advertising costs.

What CTR in Google search and CMS is considered normal?

It is important to note that CTR rates in Google Ads may vary depending on the vertical of the market and geographical location. The clickability of ads depends on many factors, such as the relevance of the ad text, its position in the search results, the availability of extensions, and others. In search advertising, CTR can range from 5% to 35%, depending on the niche and country, if brand queries are not taken into account. In the CMS (contextual media network), CTR is usually lower, it is considered a normal value of about 0.5%, although achieving 1% is already considered an above average result.

How to increase CTR in search ads

  • Tracking metrics and improving the quality of keywords

That's right, Quality Score plays a key role in the success of search advertising in Google Ads. By adding additional columns at the keyword level in the Google Ads account, you can track the data that this indicator is based on. Among the metrics that determine the quality of keywords, it is necessary to highlight the Predicted CTR, the Quality of the promoted page and the Relevance of texts in ads.

Adding these columns allows you to track positions in real time and optimize ads if necessary. Replacing keywords and improving their quality can significantly increase the CTR not only of a specific ad, but also of the entire ad group. This helps ads to occupy more advantageous positions in the search results than competitors with a low Quality Score, which in turn helps to improve the CTR of the advertising campaign without the need to increase bids in the auction.

  • Improving the relevance of ads

To maximize the relevance of advertising, it is recommended to create a separate ad for each keyword. However, in the case of extensive advertising campaigns, this may require significant time and effort costs. A simple solution to this problem is to use dynamic keyword substitution in the title and text of the ad to maximize their relevance. This not only reduces the likelihood of Google's algorithms rejecting and suspending ads, but also speeds up the ad moderation process and prolongs the life of the account.

  • Thorough selection of keys and narrowing of the subject

In search advertising, low CTR is often associated with poor-quality selection of keywords and phrases. To achieve a high CTR, keywords must match the needs of the target audience as much as possible. Special attention should be paid to narrowly thematic words and queries, as they often lead to better leads than general phrases.

If the CTR in the Google Ads search advertising campaign is less than 3-5%, it is likely that the ads are being shown to the wrong audience due to incorrectly selected keywords, which can lead to excessive budget expenditures. Therefore, keyword relevance assessment should be carried out both before launching a campaign and during its execution.

In addition, in addition to their own ads, the media buyer must constantly analyze the approaches and key queries used by competitors and implement the most successful of them into their advertising campaigns.

  • Adding negative keywords

Compiling and constantly updating lists of negative keywords is an important task for a media buyer or a PPC specialist. These lists help to exclude the display of ads for queries that may lead to an inappropriate audience or unwanted clicks.

Constant updating of negative keywords is especially important to optimize the budget and prevent unwanted expenses. The elaboration and compilation of such lists allows you to improve the quality of traffic and increase the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.

  • Add regional versions of ads

Adding additional extensions to Google Ads ads can significantly increase their CTR. Extensions help to make ads more visible and informative for users, due to which they attract more attention against the background of other search results. Possible types of extensions include pricing, promotional, contact information, images, and others, which allows you to provide more useful information and increase the likelihood of clicking on an ad.

  • Increasing the cost per click

Increasing the CPC can be a quick way to increase the CTR of ads in Google Ads, but keep in mind that this can lead to increased costs without a guarantee of improving the effectiveness of the campaign. Before changing bids, it is important to carefully analyze the data on the average position of the ad and other metrics such as ROI and conversion cost. Raising rates may be justified if it leads to improved positions and results, but it is also necessary to take into account the budget and goals of the campaign.

How can I increase the CTR of advertising campaigns on the display network?

To increase the CTR of ads in the Google CMS, it is necessary not only to work on the text component, but also to constantly improve visual elements such as videos and static images. Ads should be understandable and attractive to users, matching a given search phrase and attracting attention with their visual design. This will help to increase the probability of clicks and increase the overall effectiveness of the advertising campaign.

  • Regular updating of creatives

Even the most successful creatives can undergo burnout and stop attracting the attention of the audience. Therefore, it is important for a media buyer to constantly update and test new approaches and ad elements. This may include changing color schemes, graphics, and texts, as well as conducting A/B testing to identify the most effective options. Updating and testing will help keep ads relevant and attractive to the audience, which in turn helps to increase their effectiveness and CTR.

  • Analyzing competitors and implementing their best approaches in their ROK

A low CTR may indicate that the ad is not as noticeable and not as interesting to the target audience compared to competitors. In this case, it is important to analyze competitors' ads in order to understand their approaches to presenting information, main accents and triggers. However, simple copying is ineffective. It is best to identify weaknesses in competitors' advertising and focus your ads on your unique advantages of the offer (USP).

To increase the clickability of ads, it is also useful to add calls to action and trigger words such as "Sale", "Free", "Gift", etc. These methods will help to improve the perception of ads and attract more attention to the advertising campaign.

  • Ad Tests

One of the main advantages of advertising in Google Ads is the ability to constantly test hypotheses, key queries and advertising approaches. Such tests help to improve the clickability rate based on the results obtained and the conclusions drawn. In addition, the webmaster can use the function of creating adaptive ads by entrusting the tests to the advertising platform. This allows you to speed up the optimization process and achieve higher efficiency of the advertising campaign.


CTR in Google Ads plays an important role because it directly affects the cost and frequency of impressions in the advertising output. Improving the clickability of ads allows you to attract more potential customers to the landing page without increasing the cost per click. To increase CTR, it is important to work through the lists of keywords and negative keywords in detail, monitoring their relevance to the offer and information on the landing page, as well as using methods such as narrowly thematic ads, geotargeting and adding extensions.

Analyzing competitors' ads, regularly updating creatives, and testing new hypotheses are also important components of a successful advertising campaign. Launching ads from Google Ads agency advertising accounts can speed up the moderation process and reduce the likelihood of rejecting ads or blocking an account.