Arbitration and Infobusiness: Vertical analysis and campaign optimization

The infobusiness, represented by information products, allows you to gain useful knowledge when buying a course or subscribing. However, the quality of many offers leaves much to be desired, and both effective and questionable courses can be found online. In the era of cheating on the Internet, the popularity of online courses has increased significantly, which created the need for information buffers offering a variety of opportunities to improve the quality of life, and stimulated content authors and webmasters to actively promote them.

Types of infobusiness offers

The categories of infobusiness offers include courses, webinars, intensive courses, marathons and other educational formats. Depending on the directions, information products can be divided into the following groups:

Self-development: This category offers courses and materials to help people develop the skills they need for personal and professional growth. This may include psychology courses, performance training, time management lessons, and self-esteem courses.

Fitness and beauty: Here are programs and courses aimed at improving physical fitness, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and increasing the level of beauty. These can be workouts from experienced trainers, nutrition plans from nutritionists, cosmetology and style courses.

Professional development: This category offers training programs and courses that help you develop professional skills and achieve success in your career. These can be courses in management, marketing, finance, leadership and other aspects of business.

Financial literacy: Here are training programs on financial literacy, investments, trading in financial markets and working with cryptocurrency. These courses help people understand financial issues and make informed decisions about their finances.

Working with online tools: This category includes courses and programs that help you master various online services, marketplaces, graphical tools and advertising platforms. This may include training in social media, advertising campaigns, content creation, and more.

Spiritual development: This category includes training programs and courses aimed at developing spirituality, unlocking inner potential and achieving harmony. These can be meditations, yoga practices, esoteric courses, psychological trainings and other techniques for spiritual growth.


Infobusiness offers traditionally offered access to content after a one-time payment. However, today, subscription infooffers such as bank subscription (BS) or subscription fee (SP) are increasingly appearing on the market, which have become popular among users because they do not require a large one-time payment.

The user provides his bank card number, and monthly subscription fees are charged from it. In this case, access to the content or course is maintained as long as the subscription is active, and the user can cancel it at any time.

A seller promoting infooffers can make a profit on various models:

  • CPL (Cost Per Lead) — payment for a confirmed subscription.
  • CPA (Cost Per Action) — payment for each one-time sale of the course.
  • Revshare (Revenue Share) — monthly deductions from each subscription payment.

To determine which offer promotion model is most profitable, it is necessary to compare the EPC (Earnings Per Click) of different offers. At first glance, CPL may seem more profitable, but with a high long-term customer value (LTV), working on the Revshare model may be more profitable.

Advantages of infobusiness offers

The category of information products is located in the "white" zone, which means that there are no frequent blockages and the need to use cloaking. Most advertising platforms favor information courses and subscriptions, which facilitates the moderation of advertising campaigns. This allows beginners to gain experience faster and avoid the constant risk of blockages and difficulties with cloaking.

Information products remain in demand among consumers, and the demand for them continues to grow. The increase in the number of active subscriptions makes this vertical one of the most relevant on the market.

Despite its popularity among users, competition in the promotion of information products is not too high. This distinguishes this vertical from niches with a high level of competition, which allows buyers to work in comfortable conditions.

Due to low competition and the possibility of free promotion through a variety of advertising campaigns, buyers can promote information products with minimal budget costs.

The target audience and the peculiarity of the infobusiness

The main target audience of infobusiness offers includes people with average purchasing power between the ages of 25 and 45, while more than 60% of all purchases and subscriptions are made by women.

Infooffers are most popular in developed countries such as the USA, Kazakhstan, Great Britain, Australia, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and others.

In order to attract the attention and interest of users by subscribing or buying a course, the offer must meet the following criteria:

Convenience: The material should be convenient to study. Errors or inconveniences in use may lead to unsubscribing users.

Relevance: Evaluate the relevance of the proposed offer to the target audience. For example, courses on combating psychological burnout might have been popular yesterday, but today the demand may shift to weight loss programs.

Rate: Evaluate the rates offered by advertisers and partner networks for the sale of the course. Sometimes for the sale of a course at a price of tens of thousands of rubles, only a small payment of a couple of hundred is offered, so it is worth carefully analyzing the economic benefits of promoting a particular offer.

Traffic sources for infobusiness

Due to its "whiteness", information buffers can be effectively promoted through any traffic sources. Advertisers are loyal to mailings and push notifications, offering buyers a wide range of platforms that allow them to attract traffic using all available formats.

However, effective promotion of the vertical of information products requires detailed targeting settings, which only some large traffic sources can offer. Let's take a closer look at each of the most sought-after and popular sources of promotion:

Facebook and Instagram:

  • These social platforms allow you to reach a large audience and have powerful targeted advertising tools.
  • However, for successful advertising on them, it is important to take into account the requirements for creatives, headlines and content in order to avoid blocking and negative attitudes from the platforms.
  • It is recommended to use short videos or vivid images that evoke an emotional response from the audience.


  • It is a popular platform among young people where creative content can go viral.
  • The videos should be short, dynamic and simple to attract the attention of users.
  • The main elements of successful content on TikTok are the simplicity of the trade offer, brightness and dynamism.

Native advertising:

  • This advertising format integrates into the content of the platform and is less aggressive for users.
  • Native networks allow you to accurately target your audience and ensure a high probability of attracting target users.

Influencer traffic:

  • This type of traffic allows you to interact with your audience through channels and chats.
  • It is important to create content according to the preferences of the audience of platforms such as Instagram and Telegram, using short posts, articles, audio recordings and videos.

Search contextual advertising:

  • Google provides the ability to accurately target the audience by keywords and other parameters.
  • Users who are actively looking for information are the most motivated to buy, which makes contextual advertising an effective way to attract traffic.

Each of these channels has its own characteristics and advantages, and the choice of the most appropriate one depends on the target audience, product characteristics and the budget of the advertising campaign.