Optimization of advertising campaigns in Google Ads

Placing ads for search results and the display network in the same advertising campaign

One of the common mistakes is setting up a general campaign for the search network and the display network (CMS) in Google Ads. This can significantly reduce the quality of ads, which negatively affects the effectiveness of advertising.

It is important to keep in mind that the Google display network usually generates more impressions, but at the same time has a lower percentage of clicks (CTR) compared to search campaigns. When ads are displayed simultaneously on both the search network and the CMS, the average CTR will be averaged. For example, if the CTR of an ad in the search network is 5%, and in the CMS it is only 0.49%, then the total CTR for the campaign will be about 2.74%.

This averaging of CTR leads to a decrease in the quality indicator, which directly depends on CTR. As a result, your ads on the search network will be displayed less frequently compared to those of competitors who have a higher quality score.


To improve quality indicators and increase the number of clicks with a more profitable CPC, it is important to separate campaigns for the search network and CMS. This approach allows you to fine-tune each campaign and optimize their effectiveness.

The use of low-quality consumables

Some contextual advertising specialists launch advertising campaigns for one offer from several accounts, not taking into account that Google Ads is much more strict about compliance with the rules compared to other advertising platforms. Google's algorithms easily detect attempts to circumvent the rules, which leads to the blocking of both advertising accounts and domains to which traffic is directed. These blockages increase operating costs, reducing the media buyer's profit.


To work effectively with Google Ads, it is necessary to use high-quality resources such as accounts, resident proxies, payment tools and anti-detection browsers. Before launching the main campaigns, accounts need to be "warmed up" with the help of advertising campaigns for white offers in order to increase Google's trust. This will help to avoid unnecessary heating costs and significantly increase the likelihood of passing moderation, even in difficult (gray) niches. Also, experienced media buyers use Google Ads agent accounts, which have great trust in the platform and simplify the moderation process.

Practical tips:

  • Use reliable accounts: Buy or create accounts that have a history of activity and good indicators.

  • Resident proxies: Use proxies linked to the location where the target audience is located to increase trust in the account.

  • Means of payment: Use different payment methods that are not associated with each other to avoid suspicion.

  • Warming up accounts: Launch several advertising campaigns for legal offers to increase the credibility of your account.

  • Agency accounts: Use agency accounts that have a higher level of trust and have priority in moderation.

This approach will minimize the risks of blocking and increase the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

Lack of ad tests

Many arbitrageurs and media buyers make the mistake of creating only one version of an ad for one group of keywords. This limits the possibilities for conducting tests and evaluating conversion rates.


One of the simplest and most effective solutions is to use Responsive Search Ads. This format allows you to specify several options for titles and descriptions. The Google Ads system automatically combines them, choosing those that show the best results in CTR and conversions.

Practical tips:

  • Fill in all available fields: You can set up to 15 titles and 4 descriptions in adaptive ads. Fill in as many fields as possible so that the system can test more combinations.

  • Use a variety of headings and descriptions: Include in the headings and descriptions various advantages and unique trading offers that set your offer apart from competitors.

  • Run multiple adaptive ads: Create multiple adaptive ads in the same group and compare them by CTR and conversion rates. This will allow you to determine the most effective combinations.

These steps will help to increase the number of ad options for testing and increase the overall effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

Using automatic strategies in the initial stages of the campaign

There are several automatic bidding strategies in Google Ads. However, the system's algorithms work effectively only if there is sufficient data for each goal (at least 50 conversions). Therefore, the use of automatic strategies at the initial stages of the campaign is not recommended.


Before switching to automatic betting, you need to use a manual strategy and collect enough data. This will allow the media buyer to control the bids and budget, directing resources to the most conversion keywords and targeting settings until the system collects the necessary information about conversions.

Practical tips:

  • Start with a manual strategy: Use manual bid management at the beginning of the campaign. This will make it possible to control costs and identify the most effective keywords and targeting.

  • Collect enough data: The goal is to accumulate data on at least 50 conversions for each goal. This will allow Google Ads algorithms to work more accurately and efficiently when switching to automatic strategies.

  • Transmit conversion data: Integrate Google Ads with Google Analytics to transmit data about conversions and user activity. This will improve the performance of algorithms for automatic betting.

  • Monitoring and adjustment: Constantly monitor the results and adjust bids and budgets to optimize conversions and costs.

These steps will help ensure a smooth transition to automatic bidding strategies and increase the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

Ignoring the separation of campaigns by device

By launching advertising campaigns on all devices simultaneously, the advertiser misses the opportunity to effectively allocate the budget and manage bids for various types of devices (desktop computers and mobile gadgets). In addition, this approach does not allow you to disable ad impressions for devices with low conversion. This is especially important when optimizing the mobile or desktop version of a landing page or website during an active advertising campaign.


At the campaign setup stage, it is necessary to separate ad impressions for smartphones, tablets and desktop devices. This will allow you to more accurately allocate budgets and manage bids based on conversion rates for each type of device.

Practical tips:

  • Divide the campaigns by device: Create separate campaigns for smartphones, tablets, and desktops. This will give you the opportunity to optimize each campaign depending on the characteristics of user behavior on different devices.

  • Analyze conversions by device: Regularly analyze conversion rates for each type of device. This will help identify devices with low conversion rates and reallocate the budget in favor of more efficient ones.

  • Setting bids by device: Determine the cost per click for each type of device and adjust the bids accordingly. This will maximize the return on investment (ROI).

  • Monitoring and adjustment: Constantly monitor the effectiveness of campaigns on different devices and adjust budgets and bids as needed.

These steps will help you manage your advertising campaigns more effectively and improve your conversion rates and ROI.

Accounting for irrelevant sites in the CMS

After launching a campaign on the Google Ads Display Network (CMS), many webmasters forget to suspend the display on irrelevant sites. This leads to inefficient budget spending and reduced profitability.


Having launched an advertising campaign, it is necessary to regularly monitor the effectiveness of impressions on various sites. To do this, use the "Where your ads are displayed" report. This tool allows you to see on which sites and in which applications your ads are displayed, and to suspend impressions on irrelevant sites.

Practical tips:

  • Check the "Where your ads are Displayed" report regularly: Analyze this report to determine which sites your ads are being displayed on. Pay special attention to sites and applications with low conversion or high bounce rate.

  • Exclude irrelevant sites: Suspend impressions on sites that do not bring targeted traffic or have a low conversion rate. This will help prevent inefficient budget spending.

  • Create a list of excluded sites: Enter a list of irrelevant sites and applications where you do not want to display your ads. This list can be updated and used in other campaigns.

  • Monitoring and optimization: Periodically review and update the list of excluded sites. Optimize your impressions to maximize the effectiveness of your ads.

These steps will help you avoid unnecessary expenses and increase the overall effectiveness of advertising campaigns in the CMS.


Working with Google Ads requires attention to detail and constant optimization, and even experienced arbitrageurs, media buyers and webmasters are not immune from mistakes. After reviewing the list of common mistakes, we can conclude that every advertising campaign and every ad requires careful study.

The main aspects of successful work include:

  • Proper targeting: Careful targeting allows you to reach your target audience and increase the effectiveness of advertising.

  • Manual campaign optimization at the initial stage: Before trusting automatic strategies, it is important to first manually configure and optimize campaigns to collect enough data.

  • Continuous testing: Regular testing of various campaign elements, such as ads, keywords and bids, helps to identify the most effective strategies and increase conversion rates.

Following these recommendations will help to avoid common mistakes and significantly improve the results of advertising campaigns in Google Ads.