Quick and painless transfer of your infrastructure to Vibero CRM

Transferring a lead database to a new CRM system is a data migration process that involves moving information about potential clients from one management system to another. This is an important step for companies using CRM, since correct and efficient data transfer can significantly save time, resources and minimize potential costs when building a lead database from scratch.

In this article we will look at the process of migrating your infrastructure and seamlessly integrating it to work with Vibero CRM.

We highlight several main reasons why a quick and painless transfer of the lead database to a CRM system is important:

1. Continuity of business processes: Fast data transfer allows you to minimize downtime in the company’s work. If the migration process takes too long, it can lead to temporary disruptions and loss of business initiatives.

2. Maintain data quality: The infrastructure transfer must occur without loss or damage to information. This is important to maintaining the accuracy and relevance of the data a company uses to make strategic decisions.

3. Convenience and ease of use: Painless infrastructure migration means that employees can easily adapt to the new CRM system without discomfort or lengthy adaptation. This facilitates faster integration of the team into the new CRM.

4. Maintain the results of the entire team's efforts to recruit high-potential and high-value leads from various media spaces. Changing the work environment should not nullify your previous experience in the invested resources

5. Reduce Costs: A lengthy and complex migration process may require additional resources and finances. Fast and efficient data migration reduces the cost of the migration process.

6. Keeping Employees Motivated: The data migration process can be stressful for employees, especially if it involves problems. A quick and smooth transition helps maintain high levels of motivation and productivity.

Overall, a quick and painless transfer of a lead database to a new CRM system helps the company operate more efficiently, improves the quality of traffic and minimizes potential negative consequences for the business.

Tips for preparing infrastructure for migration from the Vibero team

The pre-migration preparation process is a critical step that helps ensure a successful and efficient data migration process. We always recommend following these steps to quickly and efficiently start working with our CRM system:

1. Data analysis:

  • Estimate the total amount of data that needs to be transferred and stored.
  • Analyze the quality of the data, check its relevance and integrity.
  • Determine what types of data need to be transferred, such as contacts, statuses, and comments.

2. Data backup:

  • Keep a backup copy of the current database until migration is completed. This is important in case of any problems during the migration process.

3. Data standardization:

  • Bring data to the standards of the new CRM system. Ensure that the data fields comply with the requirements and formats of the new system.

4. Data cleaning:

  • Remove outdated, duplicate or unnecessary entries.
  • Check and correct data errors such as typos, incorrect addresses, etc.

5. Field mapping:

  • Determine the correspondence of fields between the current and new CRM systems. Create a field map for easy transfer.

6. User preparation:

  • Inform users about the upcoming migration and expected changes in using the new system.
  • Request training on the new CRM system from the Vibero technical support team.

7. Preparation of technical resources:

  • Make sure you have sufficient technical resources to perform the migration from your previous system, including server hardware, network bandwidth, and other required resources.

8. Testing the migration process:

  • Test your data migration using a small amount of information before committing to a full scale migration. This allows problems to be identified and corrected early.

9. Developing a rollback plan:

  • Develop a fallback plan in case unexpected problems arise. This is important for minimizing risks and recovering from failures.

10. Coordination with the supplier of the new CRM:

  • Discuss all technical aspects of the migration with the supplier of the new CRM system and clarify all details and wishes to avoid inconsistencies.

11. Completing operations in the current CRM:

  • Freeze transactions in your current CRM system before starting the migration to avoid losing data that might change during the process.

12. Training plan:

  • Develop a training plan for employees on how to use the new CRM system so they can quickly adapt to the changes.

13. Monitoring and support:

  • Ensure that monitoring and support tools are provided to quickly respond to issues once the migration is complete.

Following these steps will help smooth the data migration process and ensure successful integration of your new CRM system.


When transferring data, the Vibero team always follows security criteria to ensure the protection of information. Here are some key security criteria we use:

1. Data encryption:

Using encryption to protect data during transfer between the old and new CRM system. This may include the use of SSL/TLS protocols for secure transmission of data over the network.

2. Authentication and authorization:

Using authentication and authorization tools to control access to data during the migration process. This may include access rights management and multi-level authentication. It is important to discuss in advance the list of people on your team with access rights to the migrated database.

3. Security monitoring:

Implementation of security monitoring systems to monitor activity and detect any suspicious activity during data transfer.

4. Data integrity control:

Use hash functions or other data integrity methods to detect and prevent possible data corruption during transmission.

5. Backup and Restore:

Regularly back up your data before, during, and after the migration process to ensure recovery in the event of failures or data loss. While the Vibero team imports multi-channel and in parallel into CRM and backup server, for additional reconciliation between transferred versions.

6. Protection against SQL injections and other attacks:

Implementation of protective mechanisms against SQL injections and other types of attacks on databases during the data transfer process.

7. Confidentiality and processing of sensitive data:

Ensuring the confidentiality and secure handling of sensitive data, such as customer personal data, throughout the entire migration process.

8. Change tracking:

Maintain change logs to track and audit all data migration activities to detect unauthorized changes.

9. Training and supervision of employees:

Train employees responsible for data migration on basic security principles and controls, and establish rules for using the system during the migration.

In addition, Vibero provides options to configure additional security measures to suit your specific business requirements and security standards.

How to train employees to use the new system

Training employees to work with the new CRM system after moving the lead database is important for effective use of new tools and to minimize interruptions in business processes. Therefore, we recommend following these points:

  • Conducting introductory sessions:

Conduct initial orientation sessions to introduce the new CRM system. Explain the reasons for the transition, the benefits of the new features and how they relate to employee performance.

  • Demonstration of key functions:

Provide demonstrations of key system features, showing how to effectively use new features. This may include creating and managing leads, working with tasks, reports and other functionality.

  • Practical exercises:

We provide demo stands for your employees with the opportunity to conduct practical exercises and training using real data.

  • Support with instructions and resources:

Create detailed instructions, guides and resources for employees, available in a format they can use.

  • Feedback and support:

Provide feedback and support channels for employees. This may include an opportunity to ask questions, an online chat with technical support, or a forum for sharing experiences.

  • Knowledge testing:

Conduct testing to assess the level of understanding and assimilation of information by employees. This will allow you to identify problem areas and provide additional support as needed.

Employee training is not a one-time event. Support them as they adapt to the new CRM system by providing regular updates, additional resources, and opportunities to improve their skills.

It is also important to clarify that the Vibero team is always ready to help you and make your tasks easier, which is why we provide unlimited and useful training to employees in video conferences, such as Google Meet or Zoom


In conclusion, successfully migrating your lead database to a new CRM system requires careful preparation and adherence to key steps. Ensuring data security during the migration process, regular backups, and effective post-migration training for employees are essential to success. By following all the necessary steps and paying attention to detail, a company can expect a smooth transition.

Start planning and implementing the transfer of your lead database to Vibero CRM right now! Take ample time to prepare, carefully consider safety issues, and train your employees to successfully adapt to the changes. Don't forget about regular backups and process monitoring. Move forward with confidence, because a well-executed data transfer to a new system can significantly improve the efficiency of your business and improve the management of customer relationships, and we will be happy to help you simplify and speed up this process.