Your start in the world of gambling: Geographical strategies for beginners

Many newcomers to web development choose gambling as their first industry. This is understandable: a large potential income, minimum requirements for advertising campaigns, constant demand for services, and so on. However, do not forget that success does not come to everyone at once. The path to profitable activity in this area is long and requires effort.

In this article, we will focus on only one aspect of this business — its geographical location.

Many may argue that Australia is the most attractive geographical market for gambling, because there is a high conversion rate and high CPA rates. However, the cost of attracting customers in Australia is one of the highest, which may prevent a beginner from achieving the desired results.

Choosing Australia as the starting point of his arbitration journey, a novice webmaster is likely to spend the entire budget and not achieve a positive result, which may lead to disappointment in arbitration and the decision to turn to another field, such as frontend development or other professional fields.

To help beginners avoid such disappointment, we will look at the most promising geographical markets for gambling, where even with minimal experience you can achieve positive results in advertising campaigns.


Just as humanity began its spread across the globe from Africa, we can also begin our arbitration journey from this continent. Beginners may like this because of the extremely low cost of testing bundles and little competition.

It is important to remember that when testing bundles, they usually allocate from 50% to 150% of the CPA rate. If the cost of testing bundles for Australia ranges from $100 to $450 (CPA $200-300), then for Africa it is only $5-15 (CPA $10).

Let's take a closer look at some specific countries in this region.


Consider Nigeria as an example. This is a poor African country where a salary of $250 is considered a sign of the middle class. Of course, it is not worth waiting for a big profit here, but in order to incur tangible losses, you will need to make efforts. The country has a population of 225 million people, which provides an almost endless pool of audience with which to work. The local currency is the naira (NGN). The majority of the population speaks English fluently, which simplifies the task of localization.

The most effective are bright and rich creatives. According to statistics, such creatives for Nigeria can increase conversion by at least 10-20%. Advertisers are willing to pay about $10 for the first deposits, which is a good amount, given the low cost of traffic in this country.


Ivory Coast may become another top country for newcomers. The population here is 18.5 million people, among whom the belief in luck is very widespread, and gambling is considered a popular way of spending time. With a minimum deposit of $1, similar to Nigeria, salaries in Ivory Coast are much higher and can reach the level of $500-700.

The main language of communication is French. The national currency is the West African Franc (CFA). This is important to consider when creating creatives. Creatives with the participation of famous personalities and local celebrities have proven themselves well. However, this approach should be used only if it meets the terms of the offer.

Latin America

For novice webmasters, Latin American countries (Latam) may also be of interest. Competition is usually higher here than in Africa, but you can expect a higher ROI, as well as more opportunities for scaling bundles.

Latin America offers a variety of markets with different cultural and economic characteristics. For example, countries such as Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia and Chile have significant gambling potential and can offer high ROI rates.

However, it is worth remembering that successful entry into these markets requires careful analysis and preparation, as they can be complex and diverse. Understanding cultural peculiarities, language differences and legal nuances is important for the successful promotion of gambling offers in this region.


The largest country in the Latin American region, Brazil, with a population of 220 million people, represents an excellent opportunity to direct gambling traffic. Social inequality, poverty and the popularity of gambling make this country an ideal geographical location for the bay of gambling traffic.

The minimum deposit in this country is usually $ 1-3, while the rate for the first deposit can reach $30-45. These are quite attractive conditions for beginners.

Portuguese is spoken in Brazil, and the national currency is the Brazilian real (BRL). Images of big wins and jackpots work well when creating creatives, as for many of the target audience, sudden luck may mean the only chance to get out of poverty.


One of these countries is Chile. With a higher standard of living than most countries in Latin America, Chile belongs to the group of high-income countries due to its developed metallurgical industry and the world's highest copper exports.

Despite the higher standard of living, Chileans are avid gamblers, which makes them an attractive audience for gambling and creates favorable conditions for novice arbitrageurs. The minimum deposit is usually about $ 1-5, while the payment for the first deposit can reach $ 30-60.

The language of communication is Spanish, and the national currency is the Chilean peso (CLP). These factors should be taken into account when developing advertising campaigns and creatives for this market.


One of these countries may be Peru. Peru is an agricultural country with an average salary of $500. This market is great for the first traffic samples due to the relatively low competition, even by the standards of the region.

The language for creatives is Spanish, and the local currency is the Peruvian New Sol (PEN). The population in Peru is usually characterized by simplicity and a penchant for gambling. In this regard, successful advertising campaigns in this country do not require special sophistication in creatives. The simpler and more straightforward the better.


India is one of the most challenging but potentially lucrative geographical destinations for beginners in web mastering. This country is one of the most populous in the world, with a rigid caste system and contrasts between luxury and poverty. All these features play into the hands of webmasters, providing them with an inexhaustible source of potential target audience.

With more than one and a half billion people, India provides huge opportunities to boost gambling traffic, despite the high saturation of the market and competition. The minimum deposit is on average $1-5, and the payment for the first deposit can reach from $30 to $60 from advertisers.

There are two official languages in India — Hindi and English. Therefore, creatives can be created in English, avoiding the need for localization. Indians have a lot of experience in gambling, so it is best to directly demonstrate the product — the appearance and functionality of gaming slots. Creatives in the style of Indian beliefs also work effectively, given the attraction to traditions in this country.


When starting your career in arbitration, it is important to have realistic expectations and gradually develop your skills. An approach focused on honing skills in bundle testing, scaling, and localization is effective for novice webmasters.

Choosing countries with a low lead price and affordable testing allows a novice webmaster to gain experience, minimizing the loss of funds. This experience can then be successfully applied in more competitive markets with high ROI.

Therefore, starting your career in arbitration, you should focus on developing fundamental skills and gradually building up experience, rather than on fast and sky-high incomes.