The main strategies for overcoming moderation in traffic arbitration

Moderation is an important and always relevant component in traffic arbitration. Whether the webmaster's advertisement will be displayed or not depends on its successful completion.

It is also important to understand that advertising should not violate the rules. In case of violation of the rules of the advertising platform, the advertisement will not be accepted for placement, and the account may be blocked. It is extremely important to be aware of this, since many advertising campaigns of arbitrators may violate the rules of the platforms. Advertising sources may prohibit the promotion of certain offers and effective approaches to advertising materials, so the webmaster needs to be able to competently interact with moderation.

Moderation can be divided into two types: manual and automatic. In manual moderation, advertising network managers check ads manually, which means that the chances of passing moderation with violations are minimal.

Automatic moderation includes checking ads using bots using neural networks. With the right approach to advertising, you can mask its shortcomings and pass moderation with almost any offers and creatives. This type of moderation is used in large advertising platforms such as Facebook, Google, TikTok.

In most cases, it makes no sense to try to circumvent manual moderation, since real people easily detect substitution of landing pages or aggressive creatives. Some sources with manual moderation set more loyal requirements, which may suit the webmaster. For example, banner networks may allow you to promote some gray verticals and use approaches that will not be missed on social networks. Small sources that value their advertisers avoid excessive restrictions and blockages, so the webmaster can comply with their rules.

The rules of large sources with automatic moderation are often stricter — many arbitration approaches and topics are prohibited. For example:

  • Offers: Many categories of arbitration offers are prohibited on major platforms.
  • Aggressive creatives: shock content, visual comparisons, performance guarantees and other effective approaches may be prohibited.
  • Landing pages: Neural networks can analyze the content of landing pages and reject ads containing public figures, stop words or other violations.
  • Grammatical errors and punctuation: even minor errors in the text or an excess of punctuation marks can be the reason for rejecting an advertisement.
  • Uniqueness: sources can track already published ads and fight plagiarism.

To successfully pass moderation, you can choose a "white" offer and strictly follow all the rules, or look for ways to bypass automatic moderation.

In the fight against moderation in arbitration, various methods are used that help to pass verification even in case of incomplete compliance of advertising with the rules. These methods are especially effective for coping with automatic moderation and it is recommended to use them in combination, since they may be less effective separately.

Rules for working with anonymity

One of the key methods is to work properly with anonymity. If the webmaster does not ensure the anonymity of his accounts, the anti-fraud system may block him or advertising networks may detect multi accounting, which will reduce the credibility of the account and affect the chances of successful moderation. The following methods are used to ensure anonymity:

1. Anti-detection browser: This tool allows you to substitute a user's digital fingerprint, including information about the browser, operating system, language and other parameters. This helps to create the impression that each account is a unique user.

2. Proxy servers: Using a proxy allows you to change the IP address and geographical location from which the connection is made. It is recommended to use unique mobile proxies for each account to ensure maximum anonymity.

Using these methods helps webmasters bypass automatic moderation and increase the likelihood of successful verification on advertising platforms.

Farming and warming up

To successfully pass moderation, it is important to have a high level of trust in the account. A high account trust makes the moderation process less rigorous, even when using aggressive approaches, as algorithms become less demanding. One of the classic ways to increase the level of trust is to farm an account. To do this, you need to fill out your profile with unique photos and posts, actively use your account and be socially active. Enabling two-factor authentication also has a positive effect on account trust. The longer the account is used (farmed), the higher its trust, and it is recommended to spend at least a month on this process. It is important to avoid repetitive approaches to farming for multiple accounts at the same time in order to avoid blocking accounts along the chain.

Another method of increasing trust is to warm up your account with white ads. After the pharma, when the webmaster gets access to the advertising cabinet, it is recommended not to immediately run ads on the offer. Instead, you should start by launching a small company on a white site in the subject of your offer. By allowing the advertisement to run for a couple of days, the algorithms will evaluate the activity of the account and are more likely to miss the advertisement of the offer.

However, it is important to remember that anonymity, pharm and warm—up are just preparatory steps for successful moderation. To avoid problems, it is also necessary to focus on working with creatives and landing pages.

Preparing creatives

Large advertising networks set strict requirements for creatives, prohibiting many specific approaches. To avoid rigid frameworks, webmasters use several tricks when preparing and unifying creatives:

1. Redrawing with neural networks: Using artificial intelligence to redraw or combine images in such a way that moderation algorithms cannot recognize them. For example, you can combine a creative with a picture so that the outlines of objects remain understandable to humans, but not for moderation algorithms.

2. Uniqueness: Applying tilt, adding noise, and removing metadata to an already completed creative. This will not prevent verification, but it will make the creative unique and increase the chances of successful moderation.

3. Soft graphics: Replacing photos on creatives with hand-drawn graphics or using animations for videos, since moderation is less demanding on illustrations.

4. Local expressions: Translation of texts for ads with a native speaker and the use of slang and colloquial expressions that moderator bots may not recognize.

Using these methods allows webmasters to create creatives that can successfully pass moderation, even under the strict requirements of advertising networks.

Traffic distribution

Traffic distribution, also known as cloaca, is a method that allows you to hide real landing pages by directing moderators of advertising networks to white landing pages, and potential customers to real pages. This method is mainly used to send offers to major advertising platforms such as Facebook or Google, where some categories of offers may be prohibited.

However, in addition to masking landing pages, traffic distribution can solve other tasks:

1. Protection against unwanted traffic: The Cloaca can be used to redirect bots and other unwanted traffic to other sites in order to keep statistics clean.

2. Working on different GEO: Cloaca functionality allows you to show personalized landing pages to users from different countries, which can be useful when working with multinational campaigns.

3. SEO: Cloaca can be used for SEO optimization, for example, to publish over-optimized pages or redirect the audience to a site with useful content.

Traffic distribution is configured using specialized cloaking services, trackers and other tools with the TDS function. The setup principle may vary depending on the tool, so before launching it is recommended to study the official manuals and contact the technical support of the services if necessary.

A few tips

Here are some additional tips to help protect your bundles from the attention of moderation:

1. Using fresh domains: Use a new domain for each account. This will reduce the risk of blocking the account along the chain. Before using a domain, be sure to check it for compliance with the requirements of moderation.

2. Choosing information products: Information products, such as courses, are less annoying to moderation and are usually easier to verify, even on large advertising platforms. Consider testing information products if you are tired of fighting moderation.

3. Traffic overflow: Instead of using traffic distribution, you can direct the audience to a site that is not associated with the offer.

4. Working with manual moderation: If your creative was rejected after manual verification, do not despair. Try sending creatives for moderation on a different day and time to get to another moderator. You can also find examples of active advertising with similar approaches and use them as arguments for moderators.

5. Targeting an adult audience: Promote to an audience over the age of 18. Many platforms moderate advertising aimed at a children's audience more carefully.

6. Using clean consumables: Use fresh proxies, phone numbers, emails, accounts and domains. The fewer profiles linked to a single source, the less likely the account is to be blocked along the chain and the higher the trust in the account.

Using these tips will help minimize the risks of blocking and increase the success of moderation of your advertising campaigns.


From all of the above, it follows that arbitrageurs face the need to actively combat advertising moderation, as this allows them to promote a wide range of offers and use effective conversion approaches. Moderation can be either manual or automatic, and the former is often more strict and difficult to pass. To bypass moderation, it is recommended to use anonymous tools such as anti-malware browsers and proxies, as well as farm and warm up accounts to increase their trust. It is also important to take into account the limitations of creatives in large advertising networks and use unique promotional materials, masking them if necessary. If the offer category does not comply with the rules, you can apply a landing page substitution using traffic distribution. Anonymity training, consideration of restrictions and adaptation of advertising materials are usually sufficient for successful moderation and comfortable running of advertising campaigns on large platforms.